Contact: Don Mitchell
Learning How to Drive Your Company's Stock Price in the Right Direction |
Know How Your Current Investors Affect Your Stock Price: You should know what issues are of critical importance to your current institutional shareholders, so that you can predict their buying and selling reactions. Using anonymously-sponsored interviews with your institutional shareholders, you will learn the likely buying or selling that will result from new strategies, changes in direction, transactions, faster development of new businesses and any other ideas that your executives and investors think could have a positive impact on stock-price growth. You can gain company-specific information about an unlimited number of possible actions and transactions to help you make much better decisions and greatly expand value. At the same time, Know How Your Current Investors Affect Your Stock Price: also benchmarks your investor relations effectiveness with company executives and investors. The executive interviews generate additional stock-price improvement ideas that are tested in the investor interviews described above, and help you understand how to work with and further educate your executives about how their decisions affect stock price. Through interviews with investors and analysts, you will receive ratings for your company and your investment peers along many dozens of variables and understand how to become the "industry leader" in effective communications. |
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