
Don Mitchell

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External Communications to Improve Stock Price

Communicate a Vision and Strategic Direction that Resonate with and Excite Investors: Your company's long-range vision will either attract or repel potential investors. Having completed the planning phase allows you to develop a vastly superior vision for the future. Communicating your corporate vision and strategy direction to interest many types of investors is at best challenging. Let us help you test the reactions of current and potential institutional holders to learn the best ways to design and communicate your company's improved vision.

Test Company Announcements Before Going Public with Them to Ensure a Positive Understanding of Your Actions and Intentions: Individual announcements can have a profound impact on the company's stock price even when they concern taking the correct actions for the business. Yet many of these happen without a true understanding of the likely market reaction. Next time you prepare to announce a significant acquisition, divestiture, alliance, strategy, new direction, reorganization, streamlining, refinancing or any other material corporate decision, let us help you test the reactions of current and potential institutional holders in advance of the announcement to learn the best way to design and communicate the message, know what questions you will be asked and have your priority calling list knowing which investors have major concerns. The result will be faster stock-price growth.

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