Charting the CEO 100 Index
article1995CEO 100 List

Top Stock-Market Performers: 1992 - 1994

Percentage Increase In Share Price Between December 31, 1991 and December 31, 1994

Last    This
Year's  Year's   Company                          CEO                Percent
Rank    Rank                                                         Change

19      1      DSC Communications            James L. Donald         1751.61
        2      EMC                           Michael C. Ruettgers     954.62
1       3      Newbridge Networks            Terence H. Matthews      903.28
        4      General Datacomm              Charles P. Johnson       896.15
2       5      Informix                      Phillip E. White         834.55
52      6      3Com                          Eric A. Benhamou         816.68
68      7      Tellabs                       Michael J. Birck         673.37
        8      Atmel                         George Perlegos          654.93
        9      Oxford Health Plans           Stephen Wiggins          637.21
39     10      Clear Channel Communications  L.Lowry Mays             601.74

4      11      ALC Communications            John M. Zrno             591.67
       12      Integrated Device Technology  Leonard C. Perham        558.33
34     13      Oracle Systems                Lawrence J. Ellison      508.62
       14      Mid Atlantic Medical Services George T. Jochum         496.71
       15      Midlantic                     Garry J. Scheuring       488.89
7      16      Best Buy                      Richard M. Schulze       468.15
       17      Slocan Forest Products        Irving K. Barber         444.68
24     18      Adaptec                       John G. Adler            440.00
       19      Sybase                        Mark B. Hoffman          401.20
       20      LSI Logic                     Wilfred J. Corrigan      396.92

35     21      Applied Materials             James C. Morgan          379.43
42     22      Acclaim Entertainment         Gregory E. Fischbach     366.19
       23      Herbalife International       Mark Hughes              365.52
       24      Gencare Health Systems        Thomas J. Zorumski       363.41
       25      andrew                        Floyd L. English         361.01
64     26      Healthsource                  Norman C. Payson         349.98
       27      Compaq Computer               Eckhard Pfeiffer         349.33
31     28      Lam Research                  Roger C. Emerick         346.98
       29      KLA Instruments               Ken Levy                 340.45
       30      Roberf Half International     Harold Messmer Jr.       326.67

61     31      Computer Associates           Charles B. Wang          326.37
8      32      Cisco Systems                 John P. Morgridge        324.15
       33      Arctco                        Christopher A. Twomey    320.14
       34      Harman International          Sidney Harman            316.90
       35      Wisconsin Central Transport   Edward A. Burkhardt      312.50
       36      Rooservelt Finial Group       Stanley J. Bradshaw      309.13
66     37      Lowe's Cos.                   Leonard G. Herring       307.33
       38      Broderbund Software           Douglas G. Carlston      306.52
       39      Williams-Sonoma               W. Howard Lester         303.79
       40      Citicorp                      John S. Reed             298.80

       41      ADC Telecommunications        William J. Cadogan       286.47
       42      Analog Devices                Ray Stata                269.74
       43      Canadian Natural Resources    Allan P. Markin          260.66
25     44      Viking Office Products        Irwin Helford            255.07
38     45      Airgas                        Peter McCausland         254.17
84     46      Maxim Integrated Products     John F. Gifford          235.33
       47      Idexx Laboratories            David E. Shaw            223.60
       48      Fairfax Financial Holding     V. Prem Watsa            223.53
       49      Bank South                    Patrick Flinn            215.56
       50      Pogo Producing                Paul G. Van Wagenen      215.56

47     51      Xtra                          Lewis Rubin              215.15
       52      Vishay Intertechnology        Felix Zandman            215.15
56     53      Franco-Nevada Mining          Seymour Schulich         213.07
20     54      Green Tree Financial          Lawrence M. Coss         211.54
       55      Canwest Global                Israel H. Asper          204.55
28     56      Dollar General                Cal Turner               203.59
48     57      Linear Technology             Robert H. Swanson Jr.    202.29
       58      National Semiconductor        Gil Amelio               200.00
       59      Sterling Chemicals            J. Virgil Waggoner       200.00
       60      Ericsson (LM)                 Lars Ramqvist            186.36
       61      Magma Copper                  J. Burgess Winter        180.85
       62      Anderson Exploration          J.C. anderson            180.56
       63      Varity                        Victor A. Rice           176.19
88     64      Baybanks                      William M. Crozier Jr.   175.82
       65      Silicon Graphics              Edward R. McCracken      175.41
       66      Premier Bancorp               G. Lee Griffin           173.92
55     67      Mascotech                     Richard A. Manoogian     173.68
       68      Health Care & Retirement      Paul A. Ormond           172.32
69     69      A.O. Smith                    Robert J. O'Toole        172.22
       70      U.S. Robotics                 Casey G. Cowell          170.31
       71      Total System Services         Richard W. Ussery        169.95
       72      Polaris Industries            W. Hall Wendel Jr.       169.93
       73      Horizon Healthcare            Neal M. Elliot           169.88
57     74      Reynolds & Reynolds           David R. Holmes          169.36
27     75      Equitable Of Iowa             Fred S. Hubbell          169.05
       76      Amphenol                      Lawrence J. DeGeorge     166.67
       77      Seagate Technology            Alan F. Shugart          163.01
82     78      Paychex                       B. Thomas Golisano       162.24
       79      Intel                         Andrew S. Grove          160.71
       80      Danaher                       George M. Sherman        158.02

       81      First Mississippi             J. Kelley Williams       156.41
       82      Medaphis                      Randolph G. Brown        154.79
       83      Idex                          Donald N. Boyce          152.24
       84      Caterpillar                   Donald Fites             151.28
73     85      Harley-Davidson               Richard F. Teerlink      150.28
       86      Wells Fargo                   Carl E. Reichardt        150.00
       87      Marvel Entertainment          William C. Bevins Jr.    149.18
       88      Continuum                     Michael Long             148.98
40     89      Signet Banking                Robert M. Freeman        148.91
96     90      Fastenal                      Robert A. Kierlin        148.67
       91      Nucor                         F. Kenneth Iverson       147.83
       92      American Medical Holdings     Robert W. O'Leary        147.44
       93      Ceridian                      Lawrence Perlman         147.13
 9     94      American Power Conversion     Rodger B. Dowdell, Jr.   144.86
37     95      Superior Industries           Louis L. Borick          143.88
       96      Metropolitan Financial        Norman M. Jones          143.71
       97      Texas Instruments             Jerry R. Junkins         143.50
       98      Allen Group                   Robert G. Paul           143.31
21     99      Tech Data                     Steven A. Raymund        142.86
      100      United Healthcare             William W. McGuire       142.28


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